Everyone has seen the photos of unbelievably gorgeous Hollywood and Bollywood actors and actresses on the front pages of fashion magazines.
Their faces do not have a single flaw in those pictures. In fact, the actors and actresses look more attractive and beautiful in those photographs than they are in real life. You may just be thinking how they manage to look so flawless and so amazingly beautiful. The credit for that goes to the beauty retoucher in charge. These magazines hire Photoshop artists who apply makeup on the photographs using special apps that can be installed on any computer. In case you have some picture of yours which you have wanted to edit for a while and apply digital makeup, it is possible to do this with Adobe Photoshop as well as other photo editing tools. You can learn to use them in no time.
Can beauty retoucher replace real makeup?
When we speak of manually applied makeup, beauty retoucher artists usually do that work. They apply different types of makeup on the celebrities’ faces and use a diverse set of makeup instruments and brushes. But in case of digital beauty retoucher style makeup, artists apply makeup using a lot of different types of virtual brushes. Instead, photographs are taken during a photo shoot of the actor or actress. The beauty retoucher or photo editor edits the pictures as soon as they have time to do so. The credit for it goes mainly to the advances in technology in general. They made it much easier for us to take photographs.
Is it expensive?
The tools for digital makeup are not so costly. The essentials to become a beauty retoucher include a PC, a digital camera and an image editing app. You have the option to choose from a number of free images and beauty retoucher editing apps such as Gimp. Also, if you don’t mind spending a few bucks, you can get the latest version at Adobe Photoshop. However, in such cases the best thing to do is to hire a beauty retoucher.